Tuesday, April 23, 2019

9 أفضل المواقع العربية مجانية للتعارف

يُعرّف حوالي 450 مليون شخص في العالم بأنهم عرب ، حيث تعيش أغلبية الدول العربية الـ 22 في جامعة الدول العربية ، بما في ذلك مصر والعراق وليبيا والمغرب وفلسطين. في حين يمكن أن تختلف المعتقدات والثقافة الدينية (حسب العمر والمكان وعوامل أخرى) ، فإن الرجال والنساء العرب غالباً ما يُنظر إليهم على أنهم محافظون وتقليديون ، وغالبًا ما يرغبون في اتباع أسلوب حياة مماثل.
هذا هو السبب في أن التعارف عن طريق الانترنت هو وسيلة رائعة للقاء الفرديين العرب - يمكنك تضييق نطاق البحث بشكل كبير ، وتحديد تفضيلاتك ، وبدء محادثة ، وإعداد لقاء كل ذلك دون الحاجة إلى مغادرة منزلك. في رأينا ، هناك تسعة مواقع مواعدة 

عربية نعتقد أنها الأفضل


لا يلبي احتياجات العزاب العرب فقط ، ولكنه خيارنا الأفضل لهذا الجمهور لأسباب عديدة. أولاً ، تحتوي Match على قاعدة مستخدمين ضخمة (30 مليون مستخدم + و 35 مليون زائر) وأكثرها فردية عربية في مكان واحد. ثانياً ، تحتوي Match على قصص نجاح أكثر من أي موقع مواعدة آخر. ثالثًا ، لن تضطر إلى دفع فلس واحد للتسجيل وإضافة الصور والتصفح والحصول على إشعارات المطابقة اليومية والمغازلة. أنت في أيد أمينة على Match ، وإذا واجهت أي مشكلة ، يمكن الوصول إلى الفريق عبر الهاتف والبريد الإلكتروني على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع.

2-Arab Matchmaking

تقول "Arab Matchmaking" إنه موقع مواعدة رائد للفرد العربي الذي يبحث عن الصداقة والمواعدة والعلاقات. يلبي الموقع أيضًا الفردي الفلسطيني والفردي المصري والفردي السوري والكثير غيرها. يتيح لك "Arab Matchmaking" القيام بجميع الأساسيات مجانًا ، ويمكن الوصول إلى الموقع سواء كنت على سطح مكتب أو هاتف ذكي أو جهاز لوحي. بضمان Thawte Consulting ، تضمن "Arab Matchmaking" أن تظل معلوماتك الشخصية والمالية دائماً سرية.

3-Zohra Dating

تأسست Zohra Dating ، التي تأسست عام 2011 ، لن يتم محاسبتك أبدًا على أي شيء تفعله على الموقع. تشمل الميزات الدردشة المباشرة ، البحث العكسي ، قوائم المفضلات ، معارض الصور ، والقدرة على معرفة من قام بمشاهدة ملفك الشخصي والاهتمام المعرب عنه. يراجع الفريق كل ملف تعريف ، لذلك يمكنك أن تطمئن إلى أن الأشخاص الذين تتحدث معهم هم من يقولون. ما عليك سوى إعطاء "Zohra Dating" جنسك ، والجنس الذي تبحث عنه ، وتفضيل العمر ، وتفضيل العلاقة ، ثم تكون في طريقك.


ArabeLove هو "حيث ينقر العرب." الجو ممتع ومرحّب ، والأهم من ذلك أنه آمن. منذ عام 2005 ، انضم أكثر من 260،000 من الرجال والنساء العرب إلى الموقع وحملوا أكثر من 300000 صورة. يمكنك عرض معلوماتهم والبدء في التعرف عليها مجانًا. يتيح لك ArabeLove أيضًا الانضمام إلى الموقع من خلال Facebook ، لذلك سوف يستغرق الأمر دقيقة أو دقيقتين فقط لتصبح عضوًا. يمكنك حتى أن تكون واردة على الصفحة الرئيسية.


"ربط الفردي في جميع أنحاء العالم بشريكهم المثالي" ، يعد ArabianDate موقعًا عربيًا متميزًا للتعارف منذ عام 2002. وتشمل إيجابيات الموقع التحقق من الأعضاء ونظام مكافحة الاحتيال وأدوات المغازلة الممتعة مثل مقاطع الفيديو والرسائل. وقال أحد المستخدمين سعداء يدعى كريمة ، "ArabianDate هو واحد من الأفضل للأشخاص على الطريق إلى الحب الحقيقي. إنها تساعدني حقًا في التفاعل مع هذا النوع من الرجال الذين قد أعتبرهم ملتزمين بشكل منتظم. أنا أحب الطريقة التي يمكن الوصول إليها للغاية وحقيقية. "


مع قاعدة عضوية تضم أكثر من 4.5 مليون مسلم من جميع أنحاء العالم ، فإن Muslima من بين أكبر مواقع المواعدة في هذا المجال. إكمال أربع خطوات هو كل ما يلزم للانضمام إلى المجتمع: 1). اكتب اسمك الأول 2) حدد جنسك. 3) اختر عمرك. 4) أدخل عنوان البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور. شاركت أرونا قصة نجاحها مع مسلمة ، قائلة للموقع: "شكرًا لك ، مسلمة. وجدت شريك حياتي وحبي هنا ، وتزوجنا في 28 يناير.

6-Love Habibi

لا يخدم 
Love Habibi العرب والمسلمين والمسيحيين العرب فحسب ، بل يخدم الموقع أيضًا أي شخص لديه نفس التفكير. ل 
Love Habibi لديه أكثر من 300000 عضو وعد. في آخر 30 يومًا فقط ، كان الموقع يضم 9،442 شخصًا. أطلقت مجموعة من الرجال والنساء العرب الأوروبيين الموقع في عام 2009 لأنهم أرادوا المساعدة في جعل عملية المواعدة أسهل لأنفسهم وأسرهم وأصدقائهم وأي شخص آخر واجه صراعات مواعدة مماثلة.

Single Muslim 8-

مسلم واحد
تعد "Single Muslim" التي أعلنت نفسها ذاتياً "أكبر مؤسسة إسلامية مقدمة في العالم" ، متاحة مجانًا عبر الموقع الإلكتروني بالإضافة إلى App Store و Google Play. أكثر من مليوني عضو يعني أنك لن تنفد أبدًا من الأشخاص المتوافقين للاتصال بهم. ومع ذلك ، فإن إحدى خدعتي Single Muslim التي شهدناها هي دعم العملاء ، والذي يمكن الوصول إليه عن طريق الهاتف والبريد الإلكتروني ، ويمكن أن يكون قليل الرغبة.

9 Arab Lounge 

تتمثل مهمة Arab Lounge في الجمع بين العرب منفردين ، ويقوم الفريق بإنجاز ذلك من خلال توفير عضوية مجانية وعملية مطابقة سريعة وميزات اتصال مفيدة. شيء آخر تفخر به Arab Lounge هو برنامج السلامة من فئة 5 نجوم. كما يقول الموقع ، "في Arab Lounge ، نأخذ أمن أعضائنا على محمل الجد". ملحوظة: لقد وجدنا أن خدمة عملاء صالة الردهة العربية أصبحت أيضًا مهمة.

هذه المواقع سوف تساعدك في العثور على حبيب الخاص بك
بالطبع ، يمكنك التعرف على موعد عربي مناسب من خلال الأصدقاء أو العائلة أو المدرسة أو مكان للعبادة ، ولكن لتسريع الأمور بالفعل ، فأنت تريد الوصول إلى الإنترنت. المواقع التسعة في هذا المقال تعرف كيف تلبي احتياجاتك. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فهي سهلة وبأسعار معقولة وممتعة. على الأقل النظر في محاولة لهم.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dangerous : How to bypass password any Android phone in less than 30 seconds without data loss !

May you change your device over and suddenly find yourself unable to retrieve it, and thus may have occurred in the problem of the consequences may be disastrous, especially if your phone by files or numbers people you need it, the thing that will push you to make a decision to format your device, unfortunately, but What if I made you a way to bypass the password no matter how difficult and the click of a button and any Android phone of any kind? It would be wonderful is not it? Well, then I continue on with me.

The topic of the day I will touch with you to explain a technical pure and exclusive world, where he will share with a very dangerous program, will enable you to password any Android phone in a period not exceeding 30 seconds and the click of a button, and the beautiful exceeded thing is that all the phone data will remain portfolio and will not lose any of them, even if the phone if it was not yours !!

Method is very simple as it had already been reported, and will not require you to experience or knowledge domain, where all you have to do is download the "Jurassic UniAndroid" program and is a very rare program, but do not you Vsoda you two links direct to upload and Stgdam bottom of the topic as usual.

After downloading and installing the software on your computer, open it to find fronted in the following form:

Now, linking the Android device You Wish to open it and choose Reset Pin / Su to override the code in case a password, but in case it was in the form of Schema select Reset Pattern and in case you did not work the way try our other again but choose the same option without SU.

Then your phone will restart automatically and if you find the password still exist, do not worry about it and enter a password and will open the phone directly and easily.

The program can be used in dangerous acts, such as in the case of stolen phone will be accessible to the owner, something that could result in serious problems with the data, the Please. Please use the program in a rational way, nothing else, this program there is a lot to the repairers of smart phones due to its ease and the multiple uses of such :

     Bypass the password of all kinds.
     Action Root any Android phone and the click of a button.
     Restart the phone and control it directly from your computer.
     Access to the security situation quite easily (Safe Mode) and get out of it.
     Contacts from the phone connected with your computer without the need to bypass the password.
     Manage your phone as a whole.
     Looking at their phone specifications size of the external memories and the internal as well as information about the processor and RAM.
     Flash Action connected device and disclosure of the e-mail user with the ability to delete it.

That's all there is to it, I wish from the bottom of the mold to be explained today you enjoyed it, and absorbed the seriousness of the program, and how you can benefit from it private in a positive way and that a comprehensive and without visit phone technician

The first link to download the software
The second link download the software

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What is the difference between "http" and "https" ?

Welcome and hello all blog visitors

Today will be the difference between http and https, these symbols of course, would have seen when browsing any site you'll find your link either site begins with http or https.
1. What is the meaning of each one separately?
2. What is the difference between them?
3. What is the purpose of them?
What is the difference between "http" and "https" ?

What is http?

The Internet browser transmits the information to the servers Internet unencrypted via a protocol called HTTP, an acronym Hyper's Text Transfer Protocol, which is the main protocol for data transmission over the Internet sites and a utility that allows you to transfer information from your personal computer via browsers.

- What does this mean and whether there is a problem in the event of the use of http?

This means that all the applications and information that you make on your computer is considered an open Internet provider's your own or someone stalking you (hacker) who is mediating between you and the site that go into them when using the http, for example, when you enter the information on a site (username and account password) hacker can know because these data are sent as clear text to the server, without regard to the device that you are connected to it (phone, laptop ...).

What is the https?

Https is the acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a combination of the http protocol and protocol of SSL / TLS, which creates a secure and encrypted channel between the user and the Internet server.
Using this protocol, the transfer of all the data emerging from your apparatus is encrypted to be decrypted in the Internet server, and the server encrypts the data before sending it to you for the protocol, then remove the encryption.

This is most commonly used protocol is in sites that contain reliable data recording such as sites (google, gmail, paypal, facebook, twitter and a long list ...).

And from the http and https are a textual data transfer protocols, the difference is that https provides data protection, while http lacks protection.

For more article about cyberscurity please visite 

Cyber Security

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Security tip: These information must be deleted from your account on Facebook

Facebook users put a lot of personal information on their accounts at the site, little knowing that their participation may cause a nuisance or harm them in the future.
These information must be deleted from your account on Facebook

But a number of ways that can be used by the "blue giant" users to maintain their privacy as much as possible, according to the newspaper "The Independent" British.

Followers and Facebook users are advised not to clarify the personal interests in the "Profile" list, as they exploit to serve ads.

The other unknown destinations have looked on them, and moreover, the user can put false information on the concerns, even con of spying on him.

Second sensitive information is the date of birth, although the happiness that Ngmrk while receiving congratulations from friends in the festival of birth, expose you determine Birthday major risks, the advantage of the information to break your bank account.

Furthermore, the expert user Facebook advisable not to tell his friends about his home address, even when there is an event in his home and calls to a group of acquaintances, ought to tell stakeholders in the private messages without share with everyone.

The places where I studied or worked alike, it is also better to hide it so as not everyone is able to access them, and get to know your route academic and professional details.

But it is possible to keep this information in front of your friends in the list and withdraw from groups that make your information in plain sight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Secrets: How to Become a Hacker

Many of you ask several questions may be often precise I tried to gather as well as several sources in order to ask the detailed blog post on a number of points, you have to be interested in order to become a hacker!

Hacker behaviors.

Be hacker means to have a conscience, behavior and attitudes in order to be able to develop your skills on your own, be inquisitive loving to see beyond the screen, but that is always racing for the adult challenge "in order to be the best, you must face the best from you," This is what makes you a hacker real, read many books on the philosophy of hackers, remember well: hacker culture before everything

programming languages .

It is necessary to be superior in some programming languages, it is easier for you to discover security vulnerabilities manually rather than relying on some programs, but will be able to write to exploit security gaps on your own. For this you have to proceed now in the study of languages in addition to the C language Python and PHP and Perl in addition to JAVA, and try always looking for good books in the learning must. Here are some books that I suggest you be studied:
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python writer Al Sweigart
Introduction to Web Services with Java writer Kiet
Code Happy writer Dayle Rees


Being a hacker superior requires you to not only confident of some programming languages, but also must be able to understand the different kinds of networks (lan wan vpn), which connects you with the latest virtual world. For this you should learn how to operate networks, their types and be able to distinguish between the udp and TCP / IP recent that many gaps there are, the closer more to protocols such as HTTP protocol learn some orders networks, notifying it of you demolish all barriers

Operating systems

It is impossible to be discovered security holes in operating systems, your use and understand her superficial! Do not be like the third party! Some programs inauguration does not make you an expert in operating systems management. There are hundreds of security gaps discovered annually in the Windows operating this system, you must examine the operating systems and how they work, you should also focus on informing you on unix and linux you will need this system in many future challenges, such as servers Web and discovered security gaps for this memorable as well that adjusts the lessons of the Apache Httpd. In addition to all of the above, the learning necessary for the Linux operating system as long as many of the tools do not work to the Linux. Do not be like the one used by the operating system tools test a strong penetration and did not know how managed like a monkey carrying a Kalashnikov!


Sensitive now, information has become all encrypted, credit card information, passwords ... The study of encryption is important if you want to become a professional hacker for this you must examine employee in securing information networks techniques, but you can understand how to create break the password protection programs. .. I advise you to book for this security cryptography books writer Alan G. Konheim

To have been the beginning of a classic! Watch the video tutorials about hacking 

Is not a shame to watch educational videos about hacking whether these videos in good form and an introduction by experts in their field, this is the beginning of a hacker and can not deny this fact that all hackers the world have begun learning to Haking of educational videos and read through a series of blog wrote learn hacker for this I advise you follow some videos there is no harm in it and I advise you to watch videos site 'securitytube' it includes many educational videos.

Continuity in learning

Should not be stopped for the study, this world is constantly changing in each month and each year, this must Twaill to attend the meetings, which gathered information security experts, in the case if it was held in the city or country and in the opposite case he tried to pursue a new global seminars for information security famous and that brings the most powerful hackers and security experts such as informational black hat conference you'll find many of the videos recorded on YouTube to experts talk about new security threats detected and analyzed how they work
Experts make you follow the latest news of a world arena! Know the latest security threats detected and how they work so be cultured Hacker, an expert and processions developments arena informatics.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The First Article in "HackLaw Tutorials" Website

Hello , "HackLaw Tutorials" Website readers ! This is The First article in this website I Want to ask you:
- How many time You write on google Search engine:How To hack a website ....or how to keep safe on internet ? You found a lot of articles they say that is easy to do it .

I say no !! and one million no !
There are a lot of steps you must to do to hack or Penetration testing a site , a app , a server or a 
Yes, I Say this with 5 years of experience ! 
in my Beginnings , I've read many articles , and I tried to apply what they say but nothing none of it is true ! i have studied the penetration in driven cycles , I decided to share with you what I learned. 
The way to learn is serial articles .. Why ?
Because When you learn a lot, you do not learn anything
you must learn little by little ! to keep what you learned in your mind and do not forget it.
I hope to benefit from the lessons and articles
In the end, I invite you to Like our page on Facebook => HackLaw Tutorials <= To Get latest articles

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